Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More Hong Kong pictures... here are a couple pictures of the shipping yards. You would not believe the number of train cars stacked 5 or 6 high and rows as far as you can imagine... all those clothes and goods we love to buy! The other is just another picture of the city as we were leaving on the train. And we stumbled upon a "garden" or park where we found people of all ages practicing meditation, and every kind of martial art known to man. Individuals, pairs, groups of little elderly women or little old men -- were stretching, doing Yoga, sparring, whatever. One corner of the park had playground / gymnastics equipment specifically designated for the "elderly." We didn't get good pictures; we were trying to be descrete, because, well -- who wants a foreigner taking pictures of them while they're working out? Not me! So, just use your imagination...


Blogger Faithful Joy said...

Was it anything like that arthritis medicine commerical where the old people are doing yoga in the park???

9:51 PM  

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