Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sports Program in Kalutara.
Our CCD (community capacity development) program is finally beginning to take form! The CCD program is spread out over 4 main areas (HIKKADUWA - where we live & where the Tsunami Project is based; GALLE - 30 minutes south; KALUTARA - 90 minutes north; and AMPARA - 9 hours east). Then, within each of those main towns, the program is trying to reach out to 4-5 villages or relocation communities... establishing and facilitating a whole host of activities that extend from the women's groups, men's groups, children's groups, and youth groups. For example: savings groups, sports programs, educational assistance, leadership training, moral development, cultural programs, awareness programs (parenting skills, HIV/AIDS, anti-human trafficking, health and nutrition), and livelihood training (English, computer, sewing, painting, service industry, masonry, & carpentry classes).

So! Mark - the CCD Coordinator - and I
have hired 3 "Outreach Officers" (for Galle, Hikkaduwa, & Kalutara), we have the Ampara Officer "in process," and after today's interview, may have (FINALLY) found a Child Development Program Director. An interesting problem we have faced in hiring qualified, experienced professionals who are committed to the communities -- is that those who are qualified were hired by big organizations (NGO's), paid 3-4 times what someone in their position would normally make, those big organizations have finished their "relief" work (now it's more about rehabilitation) and are leaving, but the local people quite enjoyed their MAMMOTH salaries (who wouldn't?), and now small church-based organizations like The Salvation Army can't afford to match those salaries. And so, we've found and lost a number of great personnel - due to the salary being a dealbreaker. We ARE learnering though... no more waiting until the person comes for the interview to discuss the salary. Now, we call to set up the interview, "Hi, we received your resume' and it looks good. What's your expected salary? Here's what we're working with... Still interested? Great. Come interview!"

After months and months of details, delays, and (I won't lie) disappointments - the sports program is off the ground and running in Kalutara!! Oh my - and it was sooo much fun! Nothing has the power to chase away the frustrations of politics and pettiness like spending time with some kids who are PUMPED about getting to PLAY.
Of course, they all told me their names, and I practiced them over and over - and can only remember one. First picture, red-shirted girl on the left -- that's Ameesha. She was really cute and energetic and had absolutely ZERO tolerance when I forgot her name or mispronounced it (her method worked!). Names or not, I am praying for their little hearts and minds and bodies... that this sports program will be a great opportunity for all sorts of positive growth, to experience the love of Jesus, and to just be valued as a child.


Blogger Faithful Joy said...

what beautiful children!

6:38 AM  
Blogger BLOG DOG said...

Mindy, it is good to see the progress being made with CCD. I will continue to pray for and miss you guys. Maybe I can make it back over there sometime and catch a sunset! P
Tell Mark that I still working on my cricket skills with the hopes that we may someday have our rematch.

9:37 AM  

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