Adam is surviving Academy. It is definitely challenging, but we have certainly seen the Lord's hand on Adam as he faces difficult tasks and "opportunities for growth." (I don't know what else you would call running, being sprayed in the face with pepper spray, and running some more!) He is a walking encyclopedia of laws and has learned a number of new wrestling moves/submission holds. (Be advised, ol' college buddies, he has new tricks up his sleeve that he'll be happy to practice on you.) 15 weeks down; 9 to go! He'll be "sworn in" and go through 12 weeks of field training, before graduating in the spring.
Mindy is still seeing a few clients, while actively job hunting for a salaried position. We've enjoyed lots of company over the past several months; so although the lack of clients is a bummer, it has allowed more time for enjoying Noah and visitors. We're also staying connected to the anti-human trafficking / prostitution scene in Atlanta, trusting that when the timing is right, the Lord will open the doors for an opportunity to get involved in a more tangible way.
Can you believe Noah is 4 months old? People have said "it will go fast," and time really is flying. He's already out of one stage, and on to other things: Goodbye colicky screaming-all-the-time-because-of-tummy-pain nightmare; Hello smiling, cooing, giggling, trying to sit up, looking around, trying to figure things out, and chewing on hands and toys!
Here's Noah...
Mindy is still seeing a few clients, while actively job hunting for a salaried position. We've enjoyed lots of company over the past several months; so although the lack of clients is a bummer, it has allowed more time for enjoying Noah and visitors. We're also staying connected to the anti-human trafficking / prostitution scene in Atlanta, trusting that when the timing is right, the Lord will open the doors for an opportunity to get involved in a more tangible way.
Can you believe Noah is 4 months old? People have said "it will go fast," and time really is flying. He's already out of one stage, and on to other things: Goodbye colicky screaming-all-the-time-because-of-tummy-pain nightmare; Hello smiling, cooing, giggling, trying to sit up, looking around, trying to figure things out, and chewing on hands and toys!
Here's Noah...
Noah watches his first OSU game with Dad.
Nana reading Noah "The Barnyard Dance" (an excellent read -- I highly recommend it!)
Noah -- "doing what he does" in his super cute Adidas outfit.
Nana and Noah at (guess where!) The Flying Biscuit!
Noah and Dad, attending our church community group.
Noah & his Walt Disney onesie from Grandma, sporting his "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" look.
The Greats came to visit Noah: Great Gram, Great Uncle Sandy, Great Aunt Karen
Great Gram and Noah
Ahhh, the dreaded car seat. Noah hates the car seat. We don't know why. It is very clear, however, that he has an opinion about it.
Gram and Noah -- errr, Noah crying.
A monumental occasion: Great Uncle Sandy gives Noah a bottle
Noah giggles at Dad
I was JUST going to beg for new pictures!! He is getting so big and he's so handsome. I am glad more family has been able to come and meet him! I miss you guys so much!
Yea! Super cute! Glad things are going well! Thanks for the update!
Cute, cute, and then some! (Noah, that is!) I'm so proud of Adam! I had no doubt he could handle it, but wow, it's rough! He'll be one of Atlanta's finest!! You guys look great! Thanks for the update. Love and miss you, Paula
"With a neigh and a moo and a quack, quack, quack, the dance is done but we'll be back (back, back--my addition!). Yes, having received this book from a friend when Caleb and allie were babies--and then reading it to the other 3...i'd say we're quite familiar with it--and then some! It is a great read--a fun read! Loved, loved, loved seeing all the pictures. Thanksgiving was once again awesome this year--but we sure did miss you guys. I particularly missed Adam in the kitchen afterwards! Would you believe no one asked, "is there anything i can do to help?" I guess they remember the sweat...
Love ya!
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